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Planned water supply maintenance for 14 to 17 May
The City’s Water and Sanitation Directorate will be doing planned work in the identified areas, which will result in water supply disruptions. The City sincerely regrets any inconvenience caused. This critical work is done on our water supply infrastructure to benefit customers. Residents in the affected areas are encouraged to take note of the work that will take place and prepare accordingly. Read more below:
Residents in the Northern parts of the city to reduce water consumption
The Voëlvlei Water Treatment Plant will be shut down from 08:00 until 12:00 on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 to repair a leak on a pipe section leading off the main pipeline. It will impact the water supply to the reservoirs supplying Durbanville, Fisantekraal, Klipheuwel Uitzicht, Pinehurst and Sonstraalhoogte in the Northern parts of the city. Residents in these areas are kindly requested to reduce their consumption during this period. The City is topping up its reservoirs prior to the shutdown.
The Drakenstein Municipality and residents along the Voëlvlei pipeline have been informed to make alternate arrangements during this period.
The City sincerely regrets any inconvenience caused, but it is imperative that it maintains its bulk water supply infrastructure to benefit its consumers.
Gardens, Higgovale, Tamboerskloof and Bo-Kaap
The Water and Sanitation Directorate will be shutting the inlet and outlet of the Molteno Reservoir from 10:00 on Thursday, 16 May until 10:00 on Friday, 17 May 2024. This will enable the technical team to do an assessment for leakage and evaporation at the reservoir. Although water will be rerouted to these areas, residents are kindly requested to reduce their water consumption during this period.
This work forms part of the Water and Sanitation Directorate’s proactive infrastructure maintenance and upgrade programme which ensures the future continuity of water supply by addressing the issue of unaccounted for water.
The City sincerely regrets any inconvenience.
What residents need to know about larger-scale planned water supply disruptions:
For updates on the maintenance work (and location of tankers where applicable), follow @CityofCTAlerts which is a City of Cape Town X account (formerly Twitter).
How residents are advised to prepare for planned water supply disruptions:
Supplied by: City of Cape Town & Photo by Anandan Anandan on Unsplash
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