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George Municipality officially opened the fully-fledged gym trims installed at Thembalethu Stadium and the Thusong Centre which form a part of Project 7: Recreation Route, one of the eleven Investment Packages identified to enhance social and economic development in Thembalethu as a part of the Ilisolethu Precinct. The gym equipment, consisting of 10 machines, litter bins and benches were installed at each site as part of this project
The rollout of outdoor gym equipment in George began in 2022 as a pilot project to observe its utilisation and in an effort to provide better health and wellness opportunities to people of all ages, abilities, and socio-economic statuses. Three Outdoor Gym Trim have previously been installed, one on Knysna Road and another one at the Corner of Mission and Fern Streets in Pacaltsdorp, and ERF 80 Van Riebeeck Gardens. Initially, it was anticipated that elderly people would benefit while children enjoyed the playpark equipment. However, it turned out that children also enjoy the gym equipment as it is user-friendly for both children and adults.- “Over the two years, we have noticed that children use the equipment more and we encourage adults to also make use of the equipment for their health and wellness,” said Nosidima Vumindaba, the George Municipality’s Parks and Recreation Manager.
The Neighbourhood Development Project Ilisolethu Framework Project 7: Recreation Route which will include a recreation route that will integrate the area through a 5km recreational route for Park Run events, supporting a weekend market facility, upgrading of the existing Thembalethu sports field and multifunctional public open space. The Gym Trim at the Thusong Centre will be fenced shortly.
Melvin Roelfse, MMC for Community Development noted that the Gym Trims will add value to the youth and contribute towards the wellness and well-being of the community. “Gym and sports bring people together and this will help to build and strengthen our communities. I encourage our community members of Thembalethu to use and enjoy this equipment, “ he said.
The outdoor gym equipment was installed in June at a cost of R453 200 and forms a part of the R74 million committed thus far to the Ilisolethu Precinct by the investment partners of the Municipality - including the Development Bank of South Africa and the National Treasury.
Interested parties can obtain further information on the Ilisolethu Project by following this link: https://www.george.gov.za/
#ilisolethuGeorge #Letsgrowthembalethu #cityofopportunties
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